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GET A Manly gym setup at your home

How Can you setup your very own Perfect Manly home gym on Budget

You are Motivated to work-Out, get that perfect Shape to Tackle the everyday Challenges- May be not get Embarrassed sometimes due to your physical limitations

And to get there- lets get to the point - you do not want to hit the gym may be due to various reasons - (Blame it on the Pandemic) but would rather Invest an Amount and get the Convenience at your home and work - out along with your Family.

Being said the above you may think that Setting up your personal Home Gym may be a Tedious, Worry-some, expensive and a Difficult thing to do..

Please do not be Disappointed - be excited and let it be known that it may not be expensive nor Difficult to set up your very own personal gym with a little Knowledge and a few good quality equipment. Setting up your very own manly gym - keep two categories in mind -


Always Remember to be wise while Buying Equipment - Remember that Cheap Doesn't always mean Good - specially Gym Equipment could be very risky with all the weights you are handling - so be sure to buy equipment that are made of sturdy frame, Good stability good life and one which can be self maintained or serviced.

With the above said - let me Suggest you a few good equipment starting with the CARDIO


A treadmill is the first thing that may come into your mind - while thinking of a gym. A good treadmill doesn't mean high HP (Horse Power) - Check out the Duration / Limits of the Motor - your Weight and the Weight holding capacity of the Treadmill, Members of family using the treadmill. below is a Decent Treadmill for Domestic Use and Comes in a Good Budget


A spin Bike can be your best friend in your personal Gym with a Good Music and you matching your legs to the speed of the Beats - an Excellent Cardio and work-out for your legs and Core - Look for a Cycle with a metallic Wheel as they will surely provide those legs a true Challenge

the Above two Cardio Equipment are more than sufficient to get your fats melting with add on work-outs like skips, jumping jacks etc. - now is the time to focus on building those rock solid muscles.


This can be the most versatile Equipment in your home to work -out every part of your body muscle - suitable for 1 person use at a time you can work out on your Lat's, Shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, back, thighs, hips, calves, Pecs and more. Have Fun working on those Muscles


The other most Useful Equipment you will Need is an Adjustable Stand which can hold your Weighted rod either for squats or for the Bench Press - Make Sure to buy one which is Sturdy and stable for those heavy weights. down here is one suggestion


Needless to say this is one of the most needed and important tool that will be needed in any kind of a gym - A multi Adjustable bench can be adjusted in any position as per your liking - into fully inclined position, Flat of Completely declined - for a variety of workouts with dumbbells - Pair them with an Adjustable Squat Stand - and BOOMM - a Perfect Bench Press for the Chest. - Again Make sure to buy one with a Good Frame Quality - one that can hold at-least 250 kg's of weight in a breeze


Hey - if you are fit you could carry your own weight in multiple reps - a Pull up bar to increase your strength and keep you fit as **** - Always Consider a Wall Mounted Pull up bar as it can always hold more Weight and are more Stable


a Punching bag though not seen as an important addition - in my Opinion is the Best Equipment you can have at your Home Gym - it is one of the best all rounder for your Physique - Burning calories as well as Muscle toning - a continuous round of 50 punches may be easy in in your thoughts until you try it out - added advantage it is a great stress buster - do not get the weak refine ones - instead in PU or Leather material which will last you longer and also remember to get Pre Filled punching bags - cause they are machine stuffed and consistency remains intact for a very long duration


Your Home gym is yet again incomplete without proper set of weight lifting plates - these black rubber weight plates are perfect for home use and not at all expensive Consider Getting 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 and 10 kgs' s of plates for most of your work-Outs


you've got the perfect plates for your gym now time to get some heavy rods for them- please do not go for the cheap quality 19 mm Rods - Buy only 25mm Thick rods and ensure that are of good and heavy fully steel - you may also Opt for the 50 mm Olympic Rods and Weights but that would be heavier on the pocket - and since we are taking Budget into Consideration here - we better Opt for the 25 mm Thick Rods a Set of 3 ft EZ rod, A 6 Ft Straight Rod and a Pair of 14" Dumbbell rod will get the Job Done


your home Gym needs to look good and Organised with the storage unit being convenient and as well as not occupy too much of space We suggest the rack Below in which you can neatly store a few pair of Dumbbells, Rods and Weights as well without Occupying much of Space


A proper Set of Dumbbells are a Great Convenient for all your Work-Outs at home a Basic Pair of 2.5 Kg's / 5 kg's / 7.5 kg's and 10 kg's should be sufficient foe most of your workouts - Hexagonal Dumbbells are most convenient for Home use as they stay Put are of Good quality with High Weight Accuracy - Comes in Solid Steel built and High Grade Rubber Coating

I Sincerely Hope that you found above mentioned Equipments Practical and addition to your idea of your Own Home Gym - Kindly do let me Know in Comments

We at Bharat Fitness Can Provide you These Equipments at a Great Package Cost and need less to be Mentioned unmatched after sale service

The Cost of above equipments can Gove beyond INR 2,00,000/-

But Book this Package By emailing us at / the and await the Entire Home Gym at a never Before cost of

INR 1,32,999/- ONLY

the above package consists of

  1. A single station multi gym - Brand Cosco

  2. A heavy Duty Spin Bike - Brand Cosco

  3. Domestic Motorised Treadmill k -11- Brand Cosco

  4. Multi Adjustable Squat Stand Brand - Boltfit

  5. Multi Adjustable Bench - Brand Boltfit

  6. Wall mounted Pull Up Bar - Brand Cougar

  7. 90 Cm's punching Bag PU material - Brand USI

  8. Multi 3 in 1 Storage rack - Brand Boltfit

  9. rubber coated hexagonal dumbbells with a pair of 2.5 kg's / 5 kg's / 7.5 kg's and 10 kg's Each

  10. 25 mm Solid Steel weight lifting rods - 3 ft. curled, 6 ft. straight each and a pair of 14 " dumbbell Rod

  11. Rubber weight lifting Plates

  • 2.5 kgs - 04 pcs

  • 5 kgs - 04 pcs

  • 7.5 kgs - 02 pcs

  • 10 kgs - 02 pcs

It Does not End Here - when you purchase the above Package Get

  • Free Installation

  • A pair of Dip bar

  • Good Quality Gym Gloves

  • Protein Shaker Bottle

  • Skip Rope Speed

  • Yoga Matt


For More Details Contact

+91 8170005780


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